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Localization API

localizeMessage function

Localizes a message based on the provided locale and configuration.

  • Signature

    function localizeMessage(
      message: T,
      locale: Locale,
      options: Partial<Config>
    ): LocalizedMessage
  • Parameters

    • message: The key of the message to localize.
    • locale: The preferred locale code for the message (optional).
    • options: Optional configuration options for localization (overrides defaults).
  • Returns

    The localized message or the message key itself if no translation found.

  • Examples

    const spanishMessage = localizeMessage('Hello!', 'es'); // assuming translations exist
    // Output: "¡Hola!"
  • Exceptions

    • Error: - If no translation is found and fallback is disabled in the configuration.

localizeUrl function

Localizes a URL by prepending the specified locale code to the path.

  • Signature

    function localizeUrl(
      urlString: string,
      locale: Locale,
      options: Partial<Config>
    ): string
  • Parameters

    • urlString: The URL string to localize (optional).
    • locale: The desired locale code to prepend to the path (optional).
    • options: Optional configuration options (overrides defaults).
  • Returns

    The localized URL or the original URL string if not applicable.

  • Examples

    const localizedUrl = localizeUrl('/contact', 'es');
    console.log(localizedUrl); // Output: /es/contact