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Grammar API

inflect function

Inflects a phrase based on the provided value and locale (grammar rules).

  • Signature

    function inflect(
      phrase: Phrase,
      value: Value,
      locale: Locale
    ): Inflection
  • Parameters

    • phrase: The phrase containing potential inflection patterns.
    • value: The value used for inflection (number or string).
    • locale: The optional locale code to use for inflection rules (defaults to user's locale).
  • Returns

    An object containing the inflected phrase and the chosen form.

  • Details

    This function inflects a phrase based on the provided value and the grammar rules for the specified locale. It searches for patterns within the phrase enclosed in parentheses (). These patterns represent possible forms the phrase can take depending on the value.

    The function supports two inflection types:

    • Number inflection: Used for phrases that change based on numerical values (e.g., "There is 1 apple", "There are 2 apples").
    • Gender inflection: Used for phrases that change based on a provided string value representing a gender (e.g., "Seja bem-vindo", "Seja bem-vinda").

    The specific inflection logic is determined by rules defined in the grammar configuration. The function first checks for locale-specific rules (rules[locale]) and falls back to default rules (config.grammar.defaultRules) if not found.

    If no matching inflection pattern is found or the value doesn't match the expected type (number or string), the original phrase is returned without modification.

  • Examples

    const inflection = inflect('You have {count} (apple|apples).', 1, 'en');
    console.log(inflection.phrase); // Output: You have {count} apple.