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Format API

format function

Formats a value for display based on its type and provided options.

  • Signature

    function format(value: V, locale: Locale): string
  • Parameters

    • value: The value to be formatted.
      • If a single argument, it's the value itself.
      • If an array, the first element is the value and the second is an options object.
    • locale: The optional locale code to use for formatting (defaults to user's locale).
  • Returns

    The formatted representation of the value.

  • Details

    This function acts as a wrapper around the built-in Intl API for formatting different data types. It supports:

    • Numbers using toLocaleString
    • Dates using toLocaleDateString
    • RelativeTime objects using Intl.RelativeTimeFormat
    • DateRange objects using Intl.DateTimeFormat.formatRange
    • Arrays using Intl.ListFormat

    Additionally, it allows for custom formatting functions through the custom option within the options object. If provided, the custom function receives the value, locale, and remaining options and should return the formatted string.

    This function also leverages utilities like RelativeTime and DateRange for representing time-related data before formatting.

  • Examples

    // Formatting a date with US English locale
    const formattedDate = format(new Date(2024, 3, 11), 'en-US');
    // Output: "4/11/2024"