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Interpolate API

interpolateUrl function

Interpolates values from a context object into a URL string using placeholders.

  • Signature

    function interpolateUrl(
      url: string,
      context: Record<string, string>
    ): string
  • Parameters

    • url: The URL string containing placeholders for interpolation.
    • context: An object containing key-value pairs for interpolation.
  • Returns

    The URL with placeholders replaced by corresponding values from the context.

  • Examples

    const interpolatedUrl = interpolateUrl('/product/{name}', { name: 'Cyberbrain' });
    console.log(interpolatedUrl); // Output: /product/cyberbrain

interpolateValue function

Interpolates a value into a string using a placeholder key.

  • Signature

    function interpolateValue(
      text: string,
      key: Key,
      valueString: string
    ): string
  • Parameters

    • text: The string containing the placeholder for interpolation.
    • key: The unique key identifying the placeholder within the string.
    • valueString: The value to be inserted into the placeholder.
  • Returns

    The string with the placeholder replaced by the provided value.

  • Examples

    const interpolatedText = interpolateValue('Hello, my name is {name}!', 'name', 'Batou');
    console.log(interpolatedText); // Output: Hello, my name is Batou!