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Detection API

detectLocaleFromAcceptLanguage function

Detects the user's preferred locale from the Accept-Language header.

  • Signature

    function detectLocaleFromAcceptLanguage(
      acceptLanguageHeader: string,
      options: Partial<Config>
    ): Intl.Locale
  • Parameters

    • acceptLanguageHeader: The Accept-Language header value from the HTTP request.
    • options: Optional object containing partial configuration overrides (for Psitta configuration).
  • Returns

    An Intl.Locale object representing the detected locale or undefined if no match is found.

  • Details

    This function relies on the Psitta configuration (locales property) to determine the available locales supported by the application. Languages are prioritized based on the quality values (q values) provided in the Accept-Language header. Higher q values indicate a stronger preference. The function iterates through the preferred languages, checking if they are included in the locales list. If a match is found, the corresponding locale tag is returned as an Intl.Locale object. If no matching locale is found, the function returns undefined.

detectLocaleFromCookie function

Detects the user's preferred locale from a cookie value.

  • Signature

    function detectLocaleFromCookie(
      localeCookie: string,
      options: Partial<Config>
    ): Locale
  • Parameters

    • localeCookie: The value of the cookie containing the user's preferred locale (or undefined if not set).
    • options: Optional object containing partial configuration overrides (for Psitta configuration).
  • Returns

    The detected locale code (string) or null if no match is found or the cookie value is invalid.

  • Details

    This function relies on the Psitta configuration (locales property) to determine the available locales supported by the application. It checks if the localeCookie value exists and is included in the configured locales list. If a match is found, the cookie value (which is assumed to be a valid locale code) is returned. Otherwise, the function returns null.

detectLocaleFromNavigator function

Detects the user's preferred locale from the browser's navigator object.

  • Signature

    function detectLocaleFromNavigator(options: Partial<Config>): Intl.Locale
  • Parameters

    • options: Optional object containing partial configuration overrides (for Psitta configuration).
  • Returns

    An Intl.Locale object representing the detected locale or null if no match is found.

  • Details

    This function uses the browser's navigator.language property to get the user's preferred language tag. It then attempts to create an Intl.Locale object from this tag. The function relies on the Psitta configuration (locales property) to determine the available locales supported by the application. If the language retrieved from the navigator is not included in the locales list, the function returns null. Otherwise, it returns the created Intl.Locale object which can be used for formatting based on the user's preferred language

detectLocaleFromPathname function

Detects the user's preferred locale from the URL pathname.

  • Signature

    function detectLocaleFromPathname(
      pathname: string,
      options: Partial<Config>
    ): Object
  • Parameters

    • pathname: The URL pathname string.
    • options: Optional object containing partial configuration overrides (for Psitta configuration).
  • Returns

    An object containing the detected locale code and the URL pathname without the locale segment.

  • Details

    This function assumes that the first path segment in the URL might represent the user's preferred locale. It checks if this segment matches any of the supported locales defined in the Psitta configuration (locales property). The function returns an object containing two properties:

    • locale: The detected locale code as a string, or null if no match is found.
    • urlWithoutLocale: A modified URL pathname where the first path segment (assumed to be the locale) has been removed.
  • Examples

    const pathname = '/en/about-us';
    const { locale, urlWithoutLocale } = detectLocaleFromPathname(pathname, { locales: ['en', 'fr'] });
    if (locale) {
      console.log('Detected locale:', locale);
      // Output: 'en'
      console.log('URL without locale:', urlWithoutLocale);
      // Output: '/about-us'
    } else {
      console.log('No matching locale found in pathname.');