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Getting Assistance

This guide covers the core functionalities of using Strigi.

Generating Commands in Natural Language

Strigi excels at understanding natural language. Here's how to leverage this to generate commands:

  1. Open your terminal: This is where you'll interact with Strigi.

  2. Type your request: Describe the action you want to perform in natural language. For example, you could type:

    $ s "list all files in the current directory"
  3. Press Enter: Strigi will analyze your request and generate a corresponding command.

  4. Choose your action: Once you have the generated command, you're in control! Here are your options:

  • Run: Execute your command by selecting this option, pressing Enter, confirming again, and witnessing the results in your terminal.
  • Copy: Save the generated command to your clipboard for easy pasting elsewhere. Select this option, press Enter, and the command will be copied for you to use in any context you need.
  • Revise: Ensure precision by reviewing and modifying the generated command. Select this option, press Enter, and enter your revise prompt.
  • Explain: Gain insights into a command's purpose and usage. Select this option, press Enter, and delve deeper into its functionality.
  • Cancel: Opt out of the current action by selecting this option and pressing Enter. Alternatively, terminate the interaction pressing Ctrl+C.

Getting Explanations for Existing Commands

Understanding existing commands is another area where Strigi can be helpful:

  1. Type your request: Use natural language to ask for an explanation of a specific command. For example:

    $ s explain "git status"

    Or, you can alternatively use:

    $ s -e "git status"
  2. Press Enter: Strigi will analyze your request and provide a clear explanation of the command's purpose, usage, and options.

Asking for Revision

Strigi allows you to easily review and modify commands for accuracy and customization. Follow these steps to request a revision:

  1. Open your terminal: Ensure you're in the terminal where you interact with Strigi.

  2. Type your request: For example, to revise the command git log, type:

    $ s revise "git log"
  3. Press Enter: Strigi will process your request and prompt you to enter the desired adjustments.

  4. Modify as needed: Describe your adjustments in natural language for accuracy and precision.

  5. Choose your action: Once you have the revised command, proceed with your desired action as usual.